The iQ Canada All Cap Share Buyback Model seeks to generate long-term returns in excess of the total return of the S&P / TSX Index with less down-market risk by selecting stocks of companies that have participated in a share repurchase program within twelve months of the selection date.


The iQ Canada All Cap Share Buyback Model represents an equal-weighted portfolio of ten Canadian stocks. The stocks are selected by applying a proprietary investment strategy to a database of all Canadian-traded common stocks.

The Process

We begin with all common stocks listed on a Canadian securities exchange as identified by Standard & Poors.

  1. We rank these securities by market capitalization and keep the top 150.

  2. Of the 150 remaining securities, we remove any company that has not participated in a share repurchase program within the last twelve months of the selection date.

  3. Of the remaining securities, we rank by 60-day coefficient of variation of volume to price and keep the top ten.

This model reconstitutes every February, May, August and November